Drive with Rodnav

You are welcome to partner with Rodnav as a service provider. Are you a legitimate owner of a vehicle and want to make money daily with it?

Then you can sign up as a service provider on our driver’s app and you can keep 90% of your earnings. We accept any kind of vehicle be it a bike, a car, mini-vans, vans, and even trucks.

There are clients in desperate need of your service, and we can help you connect with them.

To become a driver you will have to register from the link below. Complete the process and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Why Drive with Rodnav?

Earn Income

Drive with Rodnav and earn extra income.

Drive Anytime

Work with your own schedule. No minimum hours and no boss.

No Monthly Charges

No risk, you only pay when you earn.